I was a little all over the place this week. So, not really any rhyme or reason to any of these. They only all fit into the “I love you enough to pin you” category. So here you have it:
I’m making MILLIONS of these and stashing them all over the yard. Best thing ever, yet.
I’ve been meaning to try this and I happen to have some bulbs that I saved from some rogue wild turkeys.
This bracelet is no longer available :-(. But here are some really pretty Kate Spade Bangles. (These are affiliate links. If you click one and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you!).
Kate Spade Enamel Bangle in Torquoise
Kate Spade Mini Bow Bracelet in Black
Kate Spade Set of Three Bangles
Kate Spade Frosty Floral Bangle
Nothing really needs to be said about that. Just look at it and sigh.
I love these colors together. So springy.
This is a wreath I can get on board with. I already know how to make those flowers. Consider it done. Maybe.
I love this room, but especially the rug.
I need a new spring jacket. This is on the top of the list.
I have a mirror somewhere in the depths of the basement of the garage and this is happening to it. You can run, but you can’t hide mirror.
This is a pouf I can get on board with.
Rug love. I find so many that I love, but I never buy any. Why? Why? Just do it already!
This is either the most fun ever, or a death trap. Thoughts?
These look so Easter-y to me. Yum.
And the fun stuff:
Happy Weekend!