Stick with me through these less than inspiring of my bedside table. There’s something cute at the end.
Today’s task for the Organized Home in 30 Days was to organize my bedside table. Here’s the before:
It’s you know, not bad. Not super cluttered or anything, except the hydrocortisone and Caladryl for the poison ivy on my ankle that is very possibly going to drive me completely insane. Now, here’s the before of the inside:
Oh, yuck. Lots of dust, wires for stuff and random things that don’t belong. So, I cleaned it out sorted and found some gems in the process:
“Living Organized” is a FANTASTIC book on organizing if you are not a person for whom organizing comes naturally. I know someone who has that problem. It’s me. I’m that person.
My glasses! Which I sort of forgot about for months. Which makes me think that the eye doctor might be running a scam.
And, I found two adorable Mother’s Day cards from my kids. This one is from my daughter:
She’s so sweet! And smart. And perceptive. How did she manage to look at EVERYTHING and know that I was the most beautiful?
And then there’s this one from my darling son, which was made with his Kindergarten class:
Don’t worry you won’t recognize me on the street based on that picture. My eyes are blue, not green. For this precious project the teacher thought it would be a great idea for the kids to come up with one sentence about how their mother’s love them. Here’s a few of the comments:
“Some mothers love to watch movies with our Dads…especially Liar Liar!”. Hm. Such an interesting quote to use to describe how your mother loves you. I might have suggested, maybe, the Sunday afternoon mommy/son date at Newbury Comics, or, perhaps, reading to you at night. But watching movies with Dad is a good one, too. Although, I’m not sure I’ve ever watched Liar Liar since my son was born, with my husband or anyone else for that matter. But it’s the thought that counts, right? It doesn’t matter that every kid in his class took home their own laminated copy of this and their parents also now know that I LOVE to watch Liar Liar with my husband, right?
And I now have 8 minutes to hit publish before I miss the deadline for today in the #write31days challenge, so here are the afters: