***This post contains affiliate links. If you click one and make a purchase, I may receive a commission.*** I’m a list checker, which in theory should be a benefit when it comes to cleaning the house. Not so. Why? Because cleaning is never “DONE”. I can make a to do list tonight: Laundry, Dishes, Counters, Floors, Beds, Toilets. I can check off all of those things tonight. But, guess what? I have to do them ALL again tomorrow! This drives me absolutely batty. Especially since, often, I have to do the things on the list more than once in a day. That’s just not even fair. The kitty litter boxes have to be cleaned THREE times a day! Our cats don’t even like us that much. Or at all, really. The big one only wants to be fed and left alone and the little one isn’t fooling me. She sleeps with me every night, but it’s not because she’s sweet and loves me. It’s so she can steal my body heat while I’m sleeping. And God forbid I try to move around too much while she’s resting. One false toe wiggle and she will attack with no remorse. I think my frustration with cleaning (and our cats) is coming through loud and clear. I have found one way to trick myself into looking forward to cleaning. Do you want in on this magic? I listen to TED talks while I clean. BRILLIANT! In fact, I think I should do a TED talk on listening to TED talks to make our mind numbing chores bearable. While I’m waiting to hear from the people at TED, I’ll share with you my Top Ten TED Talks so that you can stop hating chores, too.
Before I get to the list, if you are like I was about a year ago and had never heard of TED Talks, you might be thinking, who is this TED guy? He’s not a guy. TED stands for Technology Entertainment and Design. TED talks are usually 18 minute or less and are motivational, funny, thought provoking or fascinating. Sometimes they are all of those things in one. They are not just audio, but I almost exclusively only listen and don’t look at the video because I am almost always cleaning while listening, so if I were distracted by having to look at the screen, I wouldn’t do much cleaning, right? (There are, however, many talks that are more visual. Someday I’ll make myself sit down and watch those). You can totally pop in your earbuds and listen in peace, however, I tend to play them on our little wireless speaker (I love the wireless speaker we have! It works well and it’s cute. It looks like a camera lens). Fair warning if you do listen to your talks on a wireless speaker, make sure they are appropriate for any small ears that might be hanging around. I’ve found most of them are fine for my kids, but use your judgment.
1. Do Schools Kill Creativity? – Ken Robinson
I think this was the first TED Talk I ever listened to and I’m pretty sure I found it on a playlist of all time greatest TED Talks. If you haven’t stumbled upon this yet, it’s an inspiring listen. Mr. Robinson is funny and thought provoking and will make you want to change the world (or maybe just your child’s school) just a little.
2. I G0t 99 Problems and Palsy is Just One – Maysoon Zayid
Maysoon Zayid will make you laugh and at the same time make you feel like a jerk for ever complaining about your easy life. This one is inspirational, but not at all in a preachy way. Maysoon comes across as someone you would be best friends with if she lived in your neighborhood.
3. The Dream We Haven’t Dared to Dream – Dan Pallotta
This one will get you right in the heart strings and it will also make you want to go vote and write to your senator and hug your spouse and your kids and bring your neighbor some brownies. That’s how you change the world, in case you were wondering.
4. The New American Dream – Courtney Martin
Are you thinking about quitting your job, selling all of your stuff and buying a tiny house? Me too. Courtney will help realize why that might be the new American dream.
5. The Beauty of Being a Misfit – Lidia Yuknavitch
This talk will help you love and accept the misfit in your life. Even if that misfit is you.
6. Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career – Larry Smith
Sorry, guys, bad news. You’re probably going to have a crappy career. Larry will explain it to you.
7. To This Day… For the Bullied and Beautiful – Shane Koyczan
This is a must listen for all parents, tweens and well, everyone, really. This one is funny and haunting in almost equal parts.
8. How to Find Work You Love – Scott Dinsmore
So there’s a bit of a pattern to my list, isn’t there? If you aren’t happy at your job or if you don’t have a job but you want one that you will be happy at, this is the talk for you!
9. How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over – Mel Robbins
Mel is exactly the type of kick in the pants I need every now and then. I’m still trying to implement her wake up 30 minutes early every day rule. Boy, that’s way harder than it seems.
10. The Power of Vulnerability – Rene Brown
Another great story about human connection and why it is important. Scientifically and quantitatively. This one will make you laugh and also probably want to bring your neighbor brownies.
Ok, so click on through to each of these talks and clean your house top to bottom without losing your sanity. And when you’re done, bake some brownies in your clean kitchen (cause you won’t mind cleaning it again tomorrow) and bring them to your neighbor’s house.