I Can See Clearly Now

We had some exciting progress in the kitchen this weekend.  A beautiful new window was installed:


This made a tremendous difference in the kitchen.  The window looks so much bigger compared to the one that was there before.  We also grouted the almost finished floors and set the island in place.


It’s weird, but the big island (about 8 feet) actually makes the kitchen look bigger.  I love how the dark chocolate finish looks with the floors and I cannot wait to see the countertops in place tomorrow!  Ooh, and I don’t want to forget that shiny microwave that was installed.  If only it could be plugged in, I could at least microwave some popcorn…

I’m a little overwhelmed with the amount that still needs to be done in the kitchen.  It’s a lot of little things:

  1. Paint the ceiling
  2. Paint the walls
  3. Choose and install the trim
  4. Choose and install the hardware
  5. Choose and install the faucet
  6. Install the dishwasher
  7. Finish the electrical
  8. Choose stools for the island
  9. Switch the door on the fridge
  10. Tile the backsplash
  11. Stain the threshold thingies

Ok, 11 things.  Not as bad as thought.  It always helps to see it written down.  We are nearly there!  I’m feeling a lot better about painting the ceiling and walls tomorrow.  Oh, and an added bonus of cleaning the newly grouted floor, excellent butt workout!  Probably not good for your back, but I was definitely feeling that the next day.

I also got started on the first project for the bedroom this weekend.  I’m hoping to have a finished product to post tomorrow, but here is a preview:


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