Sometimes I feel guilty that I call this blog Undercover DIYer. Let’s face it, I’m not much for the power tools. If it involves something scarier than a drill, I’m calling my carpenter brother. When I found this craft that involves using sandpaper (and an iron which plugs in so, technically a power tool) I had to give it a try.
Truthfully, when I saw this pin, I thought it would never really work. I couldn’t really grasp how you could make crayons show up on t-shirts. Luckily, I have learned to release my inner Negative Nancy and try things. Especially when it just so happens that I have all of the required materials on hand and two children just bored enough to give this a try!
All you need are some good crayons (I used Crayola), sandpaper (I used drywall sandpaper because it’s what I had), a piece of cardboard and an iron. I had my kids practice their designs on paper first so that they had an idea of what they wanted before they committed to the sandpaper. Once you’ve committed to a design, you can start making your creation on the sandpaper. There are some things to think about at this point. The more pressure or the more times you go over the drawing with your crayon, the more color will transfer to your t-shirt. Also, good to know, if you choose to write words, you have to write the letters and the words backwards. You’re going to need to figure out how to do that on your own because that kind of wizardry is beyond my spatial skills. And, lastly, if you decide to not use white t-shirts (we used yellow because I had yellow ones from another project) remember to not use the same color crayon in your design as the color of the t-shirt. Cause, ya know, you won’t be able to see it.
Once you’ve got your design on the sandpaper, you are ready to transfer it to the t-shirt. First, you’re going to want to stick some cardboard inside the t-shirt so that the color doesn’t bleed through to the back. Then, put your sandpaper face down on the t-shirt. Grab your iron and iron away for about 30 seconds. Maybe a little longer. You can peel up a corner of the sandpaper and peek and see how well the color is coming through. If you’re happy with it, then you can grab a damp paper towel and iron over the design to help set the colors. PS, it will probably be a good idea to wash this by itself the first time). Bam! You just made a sandpaper T-Shirt! I know, you’re shocked it actually worked! I was too. This is totally going to be a Girl Scout craft soon.
Follow this link to the blog that I got to from following the pin: Alpha Mom. You can see her completed project there. It’s adorable, but I felt a little weird posting a picture of a kid I don’t know own my blog.
PS, I’ve had some really good traffic on the old blog the last couple of days! I’m dying for my first real comment from someone I don’t know. Please let me know if you tried this and you loved it! Or hated it! I’m open to constructive criticism!