This is my first pass at Polyvore. I loved it. It started off very easy, but there are a couple of things that I can’t quite figure out how to fix. Like, for instance, the chaise lounge from Ikea is $350 and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to fix that. So, yay for Polyvore, but boo for me for not fixing that.
Let’s talk about the room. This is the vibe I’m going for. It’s fun and colorful and cozy and those chaise’s will be super cozy. Our living room is really long, so this is only a part of the stuff that will be in the room. I have a super cool inspiration for a built in day bed and bookcases, but that will be down the line. I do think the items above are a good place to start.
As a side note, Polyvore may be a quick and easy way to get your husband interested in decorating. My husband can’t picture separate things as a pulled together whole unit, so Polyvore does that for him. He’d never be interested in looking at each of these on their own, one at time, but seeing them together, I think he got it.