The next step in the “Organized Home in 30 Days” challenge is to Organize the Garage. I’m not doing that. Not today. Today is Thursday and I didn’t walk in the door until 7:30 this evening, so garage organizing isn’t going to happen tonight. But, it is going to happen. I have a long weekend, and I will tackle that garage. I’m using today as one of those extra days (the challenge actually only has 25 tasks, so there are some built in free days) to talk about organizing another aspect of my life that is disheveled. I’m going to attempt to lay out some plans for this blog.
#1. Create a schedule of posts – I have sort of a rotation of topics I like to cover, but it would make life easier if I could plan ahead and have an idea of what I was doing on a given day. In the rotation will be:
- A house project (like the curtains I’m going to share soon that I DIY’ed!)
- A craft project
- A style project (I loved doing this Look for Less post)
- A recipe
- Buy It, Spy It or DIY It (Love doing these!)
- Get You’re Wallet, We’re Going To (Fill in the blank, Target, Ikea, H&M…)
- A Book post – I read voraciously and I feel like this should be an occasional part of the blog, if I read something I feel is worth sharing)
- A blog stats post – I read a few of these from other bloggers and while I know it’s not going to interest everyone, I find it informative and fascinating
#2. Increase social media presence/followers
- Pinterest – Reach 400 followers by 10/31 – I’m at 376 right now. At the beginning of the year, I was at 38.
- Twitter – I’ve just begun the whole Twitter experience. I’m way behind the times on this, I know. I have 23 followers right now, I’d like to be at 35 by 10/31
- Bloglovin – WordPress followers – I have 23 blog followers. I definitely want to increase this. I’m not sure how to accomplish this, but I’ll be doing some research on this. I’ll be happy to add one new follower by 10/31.
#3. Implement new potential revenue streams – I use adsense now and I earn an average of 37 cents a day. I’d like to ad one additional ad network by 10/31 and sign up with one new sponsored post site (I’ve signed up with Izea, but no luck yet).
#4. Take better pictures – I’ve got a great camera, I really need to learn how to use it. I’d like to set aside 30 minutes each week to practice and/or study tutorials for DSLR pics through 10/31.
#5. Network a Little – I’m REALLY introverted, even in this basically anonymous on-line world I’ve created for myself, but I do love getting and giving comments on things I really like and I want to do more of that. I will comment at least once daily on another blog that I love.
#6. Improve the look of the blog – One thing I’m not happy with is the font of the blog. I’ve fallen in love with Geo Sans Light and I want to figure out how to use something similar in all of the text of the blog – due 10/31.
One of the best things about working in corporate America is that they teach how to create goals that are quantifiable. Anytime I set a goal, I make sure it is measurable and that it has a due date. That way I know for sure at the end of the defined period of time what I’ve actually accomplished. That’s my tip of the day. Now I can come back at the end of the month and evaluate how I did.
Looking for more blog info? Check these out:
Blog Income Report – Was Your February as Bad as Mine?
11 Questions with Billionaire Blog Club Founder, Paul Scrivens
Blog Income Report: I Earned $575 in my 57th Month of Blogging