Do you remember Choose Your Own Adventure books? I LOVED those. We’re going to do that here on the blog. And by we, I mean you and me, reader! You are going to choose my next crafting adventure. Sound fun? Good!
I bet you’re wondering how this will work. Me too, sort of. Here’s my plan. I’m going to create a board on Pinterest (which you can access by clicking the picture above) with two pins, one for each craft that is up for voting. Repin the one you want to see me make and whichever craft has the most repins is the craft I will do. Voting will be open for 1 week. Next Friday, I will see which craft won and then I will make that craft and share it with you!
The two choices this week are a cute shopping bag made out of a t-shirt OR a super easy Valentine’s wreath made out of tissue paper. Click the picture above and it will take you to the Pinterest board and you can cast your vote by repinning the craft you would like to see me create.
Can’t wait to see what I’ll be making next!!