I’m almost mid way through week 2 of the Bone Broth Diet (see my first post here!) and I’m pretty pleased with the results!
At the end of week one, I was down 5lbs! What? Say that again! 5 lbs! In one week??? I was very excited about that. For real. I still have a ways to go, though, so I’m staying strong through weeks two and three to see how much more I can shed.
Other than the weight loss, which I am thrilled about, I’ve been happy with what I’m eating on the diet, for the most part. For the non-fasting days, the lunches and dinners are really good. They are fun to make and tasty. For the most part the whole family has been eating what I’m eating, too.
The fasting days have not been the torture I imagined them to be. I fasted today and I swear to you, except for that I forgot to bring enough broth with me to work, I was not hungry all day. I drank the broth and I was fine. I did have a seven o’clock “snack”, which is permitted on your fast days and I promise I will not go to bed hungry.
One of the best parts of the diet, though has been the way I feel. Before I started the diet, I was planning on making an appointment to see a doctor because my left shoulder was killing me for no apparent reason. Guess what? Three days in and the pain had diminished to nearly nothing and as of today, I think it’s gone. I don’t want tempt the fates, but, I’m pretty sure the shoulder is pain free. Today is also the first day that I’ve been feeling full of energy. I didn’t take any naps (I’m an everyday napper) today at all. I got lots of stuff done and I don’t feel exhausted. I can only assume that is due to what I’m eating, or more appropriately, not eating.
I wanted to share an example of what I’m eating. This is one of my favorite dishes so far. It takes no time to throw together and I really love it.
This salad is basically just halved grape tomatoes, chopped cucumber and chopped onion. And some homemade Bone Broth Diet approved dressing, of course. I’ve made this twice already and it’s been a great accompaniment to almost every meal I’ve made.
All in all, 1.5 weeks in, I am still thumbs way up on the Bone Broth Diet. I’ll be back next to let you know how much weight I’ve lost and whether I’m still loving bone broth. If you’re interested, check out the book here!