I had plans for a post about shopping at Ikea for today, but this month is about to come to a close and it has been an absolute whirlwind! I feel like I had a lot of solid posts and I’ve actually gained a bunch of new followers, so welcome to all of you! You have no idea the thrill I get when I have an alert telling me I have a new follower. It makes my day every time! So, welcome aboard and I hope you find some fun projects, recipes and some laughter here!
So, number one crazy thing that has happened this month just happened today. I work part time outside of the house and today… I GOT LAID OFF! I’m sad that I’m going to be leaving the company that I’ve worked at for seven years and don’t get me started on the people that I work with. They are my family. I’ve spent 6-8 hours a day with them everyday for the last 7 years. I can’t think about not seeing them everyday. For now, I want to focus on the positive side. I will be home full time for at least a little while, which means I will be focusing big time on this here blog. If I can manage to get this thing making me some money, maybe I won’t have to go back to work at all! Expect lots of good content because I will have plenty of time to create it!
Number 2 crazy thing also happened today. I was featured in one of Hometalk‘s emails today and oh my, I have like a 1000% more people coming to see this blog today than ever before. If you happen to be a blogger and you are reading this, get yourself on Hometalk. Their features are the real deal.
I had some really fun posts this month, too! If you are new here and haven’t made it through any of the posts, here are some of the fun things I’ve been up to:
I painted these tiles which are a precursor to a top secret project that will be on the blog in a couple of months. Sadly, the tiles pictured above were destroyed in my attempts to find a good way to seal the tiles. I did, however, find a way to seal the tiles. And you can find out all about that in this post:
I also shared how I painted my favorite upholstered chair. This is the post that was featured on Hometalk today. Thanks Hometalk!!
And I made some pretty delicious food this month, too. If I do say so myself. Other people said so, too. Like my daughter and my husband. These Gluten Free Burger and Fry Bites were legendary. As in, my family keeps asking me to make them again, so they are a legend now.
I also made some delicious and easy gluten free Peanut Butter Cookies and some gluten free Chicken Fried Rice as an early Chinese New Year celebration.
This is year is off to a crazy start! I can’t wait to see where we end up!!