***This post contains affiliate links. If you click one and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you!*** I was appreciating my Keurig coffee maker a couple of mornings ago. Before Keurig came along, I had a regular coffee maker, but I never used it. The coffee never really came out right and it tasted different every time. My Keurig is so very reliable. And easy. And far less expensive than driving to the coffee shop for coffee. It got me thinking about the machines in my life that I really love. The ones that have stood the test of time. Unlike the “Quesadilla Maker” and bread machine that got tossed after I realized that it is easier to make a quesadilla on my Electric Griddle and bread in the good old oven. Here are the 5 Kitchen Tools I Can’t Live Without.
Keurig Coffee Maker
I know not everyone is a fan of the Keurig. Real coffee people tend to think that it doesn’t make a strong enough cup. But, for coffee drinkers who are mostly in it for the caffeine, this machine is worth it’s weight in gold. It never makes a bad cup of coffee. There’s no coffee left to hang out in the pot for hours. It’s quick and when you compare it to coffee shop coffee, it’s very inexpensive. If you can find a good deal on K Cups, a cup of coffee is usually between .25 and .50 cents. Sold!
Slicing Mandolin
I use a slicing mandolin on probably a weekly basis. I love it to help with slicing onions because onions kill me. Just pouring tears from my face. I also use it if I need thinly sliced potatoes. I used it this past weekend to slice a bunch of tomatoes for a million sandwiches I had to make. I’m sure if you’re at Top Chef status you can slice a tomato perfectly with a knife, but for me, the mandolin saves me time and tears. Make sure you get one with the little cover that helps protect your fingers cause these guys can be dangerous if you’re not careful!
Whirly Pop Stovetop Popcorn Popper
If you enjoy microwave popcorn, you need to upgrade to a stovetop popcorn popper. You will never go back to microwave again. This Whirlypop gives you movie theatre quality popcorn in basically the same amount of time it takes to make microwave popcorn. Melt a little butter while you’re turning the handle, sprinkle some salt on top and you will be so happy you invested the $30 in this popper. It’s my definite all time favorite snack.
Crock Pot
Crock Pots are the best. They give flavor to flavor-less meats, they require basically zero attention AND you can use them on a buffet to keep food warm. I love using them in the winter for hearty stews, but also in the summer because they don’t heat up the entire kitchen like the oven does. If you work outside of the home and spend most of your day away from the kitchen, the Crock Pot is the best. There’s nothing like coming home to the smell of Pot Roast that you barely lifted a finger to make it.
Electric Griddle
I will only make pancakes on my Electric Griddle. They cook perfectly every time and I can cook 8 of them at a time. But, that’s not all! I also cook chicken cutlets on my griddle and same thing, they come out perfect and I can fit the entire package on the griddle at once. My daughter likes to use this for making quesadillas. You can grill veggies, fry eggs, cook bacon… What more can you ask of a $30 griddle? Love this guy!
I feel like if I looked more closely in my kitchen, I would probably find that I’ve overlooked some great tools. So, what did I miss?? What are your favorite kitchen tools??