You know how I love crafts that are super simple and useful, right? I got such a special gift from my friend CassyP of She and her daughter made adorable homemade ornaments and she shared all of the details with me so that I could share them with you! These DIY Scented Wax Ornaments are perfect for a quick Christmas craft.
These fit perfectly into my idea of a great craft. They are super cute and they are definitely useful for two reasons.
- They are ornaments. You hang them on your tree. That’s useful.
- They smell good! That’s useful, right? Having a good smelling house is important!
They also reuse old almost done candles which I love as well. It feels like recycling. I don’t think it really is recycling, but it feels good to use something to the very last drop.
DIY Scented Wax Candles
Ok, first of all, how freaking cute is Cassy’s daughter? She’s stealing the show from the ornaments, right?
Materials for DIY Scented Wax Ornaments
Nearly empty candles ( you know you have a bunch of these scattered throughout the house
A Pot for Melting the Wax
Some sticks for making the Ornament Hanger Holes
Some ribbon or string to make a hanger
Pot Holders
Directions for DIY Scented Wax Ornaments
Melt your wax – Once you’ve gathered your mostly done candles, you’re going to need to melt the leftover wax that’s in them. The easiest way to do that is to put them in some hot water on the stove. Sort of like a double boiler situation. Keep an eye on them as the start to heat up.
Pour into your mold – Have your Jello Mold ready and waiting nearby. USE POT HOLDERS! This is hot wax and a hot jar that you’re dealing with. Be careful.
Add a hole of the ornament hanger – You can do this with something as simple as stick. You just need the hole to be big enough to fit your ribbon or string through.
- Allow to cool completely, overnight, before removing from the mold
And that’s it! You’ve got adorable scented ornaments. Cassy made some that are ornaments and some that she’ll use to melt in her wax melter.
I love that idea. Such a simple way to add a little Christmas spirit to your every day.
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