Homemade Quick Pickles

My genius brother had the best idea ever last week.  He’s a frequent recipe tester and I was chatting with him about what to make next and he came up with Pickles!  Genius!  I love pickles and it sounded really fun to try.  Game on.  Of course, I’m not the most patient person on earth, …

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3 Easy Fireplace Makeovers

My fireplace looks like an angry, gaping hole in the middle of my otherwise bright and colorful family room.  It’s been on my to do list, for oh, let’s call it 9 years.  I have found a few options that look fairly painless, so I’m going to make a choice and get it done.  I …

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Simple and Delicious Chili

Simple and Delicious Chili

I made chili this weekend and I had to share it with you.  I’ve made chili a million times, but this one came out especially delicious.  I may have to pause in the writing of this post to go heat some up.  Hang on.  Look at this Simple and Delicious Chili while I go get …

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Home Chef Review

Guys, I have made a great discovery.  Healthy meals that look like they came from a restaurant are not hard to make.  They have been lying to us all these years.  I don’t know who they are, but they have definitely been trying to make us think that cooking is hard.  IT’S NOT!  I do …

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