Pinterest Successes

I’m not a Facebook person.  I don’t Tweet.  A young man asked me if my kids use Snapchat, indicating, clearly, that I am too old for Snapchat.  Some of these things I’ve passed on because I find it creepy to follow near strangers daily activities.  Others just haven’t captured my imagination.  Pinterest, however, has truly …

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Target Cartwheel

Disclosure: I am receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post.  All opinions are mine! I adore Target.  I could live there.  Oddly, I was driving in to work today and thought, I think I could only shop at Target for the rest of my life and I don’t think I would ever want …

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Getting Ready for Spring

In addition to the  extra lbs. I carry around as documented in this post, I have another issue that hinders me from wearing cute shorts and skirts and dresses throughout the spring and summer.  My skin is pale. The color of skim milk is the best way to describe it. Not pretty, milky white skin.  Like, …

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Redoing the Temple

Just kidding, it’s more like an abandoned warehouse.  But it was once temple-like.  It was strong and graceful and flexible.  What am I talking about? My body.  The temple metaphor is not working, but there was a time (20 years ago) when I had faith in my body.  I was a gymnast and I could …

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