Super Cute DIY Easter Bunny

I’m about to kill you with cuteness.  Remember the little Valentine Monsters I made in February?  Well, I’ve been dying to make an Easter Bunny.  So, I did.  And you can, too!  Here’s the little guy: Is he too cute for words or what?  If you remember back when I did the Valentine monsters, my …

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I fooled myself into thinking that I had a stomach bug this weekend.  I didn’t.  The truth is that I ate bad foods.  Today I ate good foods and guess what?  I felt good and I had energy.  I’ve learned that when I eat processed, super sugary, high carb foods, I don’t feel good.  And …

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Play Time at Polyvore

I’m having so much fun playing with my closet over at Polyvore.  I’ve added a few more of the pieces that I own and I’ve put together some outfits. I’ve learned a few things while I’ve been working on this project.  I’ve learned that I probably have way more clothing than I will ever need. …

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Ok, so, I’m a little panicky.  I had what was supposed to be a quick impromptu post yesterday to accept my Liebster Award (still basking in the glow!).  So, I put off my little project I had planned til today.  Remember this from My Fave’s this Week? It’s so fresh and personalized.  I just loved it.  …

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Polyvore-ing my Closet

I have an idea.  I’m going to catalog my entire closet on Polyvore!  I’ve come across tons of adorable outfits on Pinterest that I realized I had a lot of components for in my closet.                      Now, I don’t think this is going to be an …

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