What Mom Really Wants for Mother’s Day

***This post contains affiliate links.  If you click one and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no expense to you!***  May is a big month for me, Mother’s Day, Birthday and Wedding Anniversary.  I like to somewhat selfishly pull together a little gift guide for myself and of course for anyone else …

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Simple Shrimp with Butter and Garlic

I’ve been trying to branch out from my normal chicken or steak dinners.  Mostly because I’ve had more than a few “Steak again??” comments from my lovely children.  I’ve tried some new pork recipes, but after serving shrimp cocktail at Easter and realizing my son LOVED it, I decided to try an easy shrimp dish. …

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Graphic Paper Flowers from Paper Plates

**This post contains affiliate links. If you click one and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no cost to you.**  When I make something crafty, I want it to be aesthetically pleasing, useful in some way and also inexpensive.  As much as I love crafting, I’m not going to make something that …

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Smothered Pork Chops

You know how I know I like to cook? I had a near disaster Easter dinner yesterday, and I still cooked a full meal tonight for dinner.  For Easter, I made steak, you know the steak I’ve blogged about that is so delicious and easy… Well, something went awry yesterday when I made it because …

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DIY Easter Egg Bath Bombs

***This post contains affiliate links.  If you click on one and make a purchase, I make receive a small commission, at no cost to you!***                How is it possible that Easter is a week away?  I couldn’t let it pass without an Easter DIY!  I’ve been meaning to …

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All The Changes Are Happening

If you read regularly (some of you do, right?  I know you do…), you have probably noticed a few changes.  Not a few changes, a frenetic changing of everything everyday.  Ok, maybe somewhere in between those two. Nevertheless, changes are happening, fast and furious. I recently started the holy grail of blogging courses, Elite Blog …

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Gluten Free Baked Ziti

I have an announcement.  You no longer have to be deprived of pasta if you are on a gluten free diet.  I have found a gluten free pasta that tastes just like regular pasta.  I have been feeding it to my family for about a month and no one has noticed. If you have to …

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