Family Room

  This is my first pass at Polyvore.  I loved it. It started off very easy, but there are a couple of things that I can’t quite figure out how to fix.  Like, for instance, the chaise lounge from Ikea is $350 and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to fix …

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The De-Dingefication of the Bathroom

Yeah, autocorrect, take that!  De-dingefication.  I answer to no electronic dictionary. Except for when I forget how to spell vacuum. The main bathroom in the house was looking a little sad.  It was completely remodeled a few years back after a strange plumbing incident (which involved water only).  So, all the expensive stuff is pretty …

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What I Made this Week

I’ve been in a funk.  I don’t really think it has much to do with my diet, but it certainly isn’t helping.  I decided to try one of the paleo recipes I found on-line.  It’s a crock pot recipe which is right up my alley. Crock Pot Balsamic Chicken ‘ Wow, I didn’t really look …

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My Faves this Week

My favorite thing this week was finding out that this, exists: I don’t have a place to put it, unfortunately, but I did find a bunch of other awesome things at Urban Outfitters: Removeable Wallpaper Woven Mirror – 2 for $30 (SO buying these!) I hope my son likes this, because it is going in …

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Pinterest Successes

I’m not a Facebook person.  I don’t Tweet.  A young man asked me if my kids use Snapchat, indicating, clearly, that I am too old for Snapchat.  Some of these things I’ve passed on because I find it creepy to follow near strangers daily activities.  Others just haven’t captured my imagination.  Pinterest, however, has truly …

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Update – The Kitchen

I’ve learned to accept the truth that in life, nothing is ever really done.  Laundry, never done.  Cleaning, never done.  Getting in shape, never done.  It’s all a process.  The kitchen is not completely done, not even nearly a year later.  It has, however, come a LONG, LONG way. I bet you won’t even be …

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What I Made this Weekend

After last weekends Super Bowl gluttony, I tried a couple of healthy recipes.  I made a delicious chicken soup and gluten free peanut butter cookies.  They chicken soup is “paleo” according to the website I got the recipe from.  The cookies are not because they do have sugar in them, but as far as cookies …

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My Faves this Week

I had lots of fun scouring the internet this week.  Lots of inspiration to be found for all aspects of life! You have no idea how hard it was to not buy both of these from Dorothy Perkins this week.  They were in my shopping cart, but a voice in my head was shouting at …

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