What I Made this Week

I tried three! new recipes this week.  Ok, so I only got to try two of them, but my husband gave the third a stamp of approval (remember this post about how I fooled myself into thinking I had a touch of the stomach bug?  Well, in addition to fooling myself, I also tempted the fates …

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My Faves This Week

Let’s start with some fashion, shall we?  I bought these today on-line from H&M.  They are having a RIDICULOUS sale and I just can’t stop myself when the prices are this good… This adorbs dress is from Zulily.  I didn’t buy it, but I love it: Again, wish I had jumped on these bracelet at …

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I fooled myself into thinking that I had a stomach bug this weekend.  I didn’t.  The truth is that I ate bad foods.  Today I ate good foods and guess what?  I felt good and I had energy.  I’ve learned that when I eat processed, super sugary, high carb foods, I don’t feel good.  And …

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Play Time at Polyvore

I’m having so much fun playing with my closet over at Polyvore.  I’ve added a few more of the pieces that I own and I’ve put together some outfits. I’ve learned a few things while I’ve been working on this project.  I’ve learned that I probably have way more clothing than I will ever need. …

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Spring Mantel

I have a confession to make.  In between Christmas and, well Christmas, my mantel is bare.  Like, really bare.  For one, I am a big believer in things serving a purpose or being beautiful or special if they are going to have a place in the home.  Especially a place that is front and center …

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What I Made This Week

I didn’t make much, truthfully.  A touch of a stomach bug made me not very interested in food this weekend.  What I was interested in, was feeding my children with as little fuss as possible.  That’s when I remembered a little trick from I don’t even know when. Did you know that you can make …

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My Faves This Week

Today I’m pulling favorites from some of my early pins.  And a few newbies, too! Favorite Fashion Finds When I first saw this pin, I assumed it meant each item was under $100.  It’s actually in total under $100.  I love the idea of looking great but still sticking to a budget. This is what …

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Hutchington Post

I have an adorable little hutch in the ahh, the room that is nameless because it used to be the dining room and now is a den? living room?  Anyway, the hutch is colonial looking and natural wood at the moment.  Same as it was, I’m sure when it was erected in 1964. I’m definitely …

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Ok, so, I’m a little panicky.  I had what was supposed to be a quick impromptu post yesterday to accept my Liebster Award (still basking in the glow!).  So, I put off my little project I had planned til today.  Remember this from My Fave’s this Week? It’s so fresh and personalized.  I just loved it.  …

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