Dollar Store Pumpkins Three Ways

Don’t worry, I haven’t already given up on the #31days challenge. I’ve been working on some cute pumpkins and I wanted to share them in a quick post.  I’ll be back later tonight with my 2nd installment for my organization challenge. Cute, right?  Each pumpkin was $1, obviously, and I scrounged the rest of the …

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Archery Themed Birthday Party

We had a milestone in our family this summer!  My sweet daughter turned 10!  It’s very exciting and she’s the best 10 year old on the planet.  We had a small family party for her on her birthday, but for her “friends” party, she chose to have an Archery party.  There is a a facility …

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Last Day Of School

Today is the last day of school for my kids.  I’m not going to get all sappy about it.  I love the summer.  I can get up later in the morning, the days are longer and there’s no homework so I have more fun time to spend with them and I just have fewer responsibilities …

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