My H&M Crush (read Obsession)

Sometimes the stars align and you find things that you love, that are “you” and that you can afford, all in one place.  That place for me is H&M.  I shop for clothes there compulsively.  Their home line is equally obsession worthy. I’ve put together a few of my favorites for the blog because I …

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Hutchington Post Part Deux

Folks, I have a bona fide DIY project to share with you.  Remember my blah hutch that I was searching for inspiration for?  Well, I got the project underway and I am 3/4 of the way done.  I haven’t decided whether or not to paint the background of the hutch a different color, so it …

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What I Made this Week

I tried three! new recipes this week.  Ok, so I only got to try two of them, but my husband gave the third a stamp of approval (remember this post about how I fooled myself into thinking I had a touch of the stomach bug?  Well, in addition to fooling myself, I also tempted the fates …

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My Faves This Week

Let’s start with some fashion, shall we?  I bought these today on-line from H&M.  They are having a RIDICULOUS sale and I just can’t stop myself when the prices are this good… This adorbs dress is from Zulily.  I didn’t buy it, but I love it: Again, wish I had jumped on these bracelet at …

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I fooled myself into thinking that I had a stomach bug this weekend.  I didn’t.  The truth is that I ate bad foods.  Today I ate good foods and guess what?  I felt good and I had energy.  I’ve learned that when I eat processed, super sugary, high carb foods, I don’t feel good.  And …

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Play Time at Polyvore

I’m having so much fun playing with my closet over at Polyvore.  I’ve added a few more of the pieces that I own and I’ve put together some outfits. I’ve learned a few things while I’ve been working on this project.  I’ve learned that I probably have way more clothing than I will ever need. …

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Spring Mantel

I have a confession to make.  In between Christmas and, well Christmas, my mantel is bare.  Like, really bare.  For one, I am a big believer in things serving a purpose or being beautiful or special if they are going to have a place in the home.  Especially a place that is front and center …

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What I Made This Week

I didn’t make much, truthfully.  A touch of a stomach bug made me not very interested in food this weekend.  What I was interested in, was feeding my children with as little fuss as possible.  That’s when I remembered a little trick from I don’t even know when. Did you know that you can make …

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My Faves This Week

Today I’m pulling favorites from some of my early pins.  And a few newbies, too! Favorite Fashion Finds When I first saw this pin, I assumed it meant each item was under $100.  It’s actually in total under $100.  I love the idea of looking great but still sticking to a budget. This is what …

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